Monday, October 16, 2017

A small dictionary for translating Russian-language patterns

From time to time I see in amigurumi groups requests for english author versions (or translations) of russian-language patterns. As you know, to translate any pattern (even free one) into another language without permission of its author is a violation of copyright. But, unfortunately, the authors rarely respond to such request for translation. And Google Translator does not help in this case, because there are a lot of special crocheting terms and abbreviations, so such translating comes out just awful.

To solve the problem, I share a small dictionary of "Russian crochet language" (such an english-russian dictionary has very much helped me once).

Here you will find a list of abbreviations and russian crocheting terms. The list is based on several popular Russian-language patterns that do not have the english versions.

Dear amigurumi crocheters!
If you have any problem translating any Russian-language pattern, you can ask for help on my Facebook special group "Help with russian pattern". As well you can find here many interesting russian patterns in english.

Условные обозначения:
СС = сс = соединительный столбик
a slip stitch
ВП = вп =  в.п. = воздушная петля
a chain(s)
СБН = сбн = ст. б/н = столбик без накида
a single crochet
ПСН = псн = пссн = полустолбик с накидом
a half double crochet
С1Н = с1н = столбик с 1 накидом
a double crochet
УБ = уб = убавка
a decrease(s)
ПР = пр = приб = прибавка
an increase(s)
п/петля (задняя или передняя)
a loop of stitch (back or front)
пропуск = пропустить
to skip stitch
поворот = повернуть
to turn

пр*6 = (приб) - 6 раз = прибавка повторить 6 раз - (1 increase) repeat 6 times
уб*6 = (уб) - 6 раз = убавка повторить 6 раз - (1 decrease) repeat 6 times

3 сбн вместе - 3 sc crochet together
4 шт. - 4 pieces

без изменений - no change, to work even

вяжем прямыми и обратными рядами - to crochet in back-and-forth rows
вязать = провязать= вяжем = вяжите - to crochet
вязать по кругу - to crochet around
вышить - to embroider

замкнуть в кольцо - to make a ring
закрыть = закройте - to close up (usual about the finishing hole of round detail)
закончить - to finish, to fasten off, to work off

нам потребуется - we (will) need
нить = пряжа - a yarn, a thread
набрать 4 вп - to pick up 4 ch
начать во 2ую вторую от крючка петлю - to begin into the 2nd stitch from the hook
набивать = наполнять = наполнить = набить наполнителем = заполните - to fill, to stuff with a filler

повторить - to repeat
пришить - to sew
присоединить = прикрепить - to add (about yarn), to attach (about parts of doll)
проволока = проволочный каркас - a wire frame

стянуть = стягиваем - to pull, to tighten
сменить нить на ... -  to change your yarn color to ...

оборвать нить - to cut off the thread (yarn)
оставить нить для пришивания - to leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing
обвязать по краю - to crochet along the edge
обвязать сбн вдоль ... - to crochet sc-row along ...

р, ряд - a row, round

утяжка = утяжки - (to make) sculpting


  1. That is super awesome of you. Thank you, for your time spent helping so many.

  2. Thank you for this. It has helped me finish a pattern I've wanted to make for over a year!!! You are a star!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. You have now opened a whole new batch of patterns for me.

  4. Wow! Than you so much! I've found several patterns that I wished I could use and now maybe I can.

  5. (2шт.)
    Вязать фиолетовой пряжей.
    Ряд 1:6 вп, сбн во вторую петлю от крючка,4сбн пов. вяз.[5]
    Ряд 2-4: вп, сбн до конца ряда пов. вяз.
    Ряд 5: вп+прибавка, 3 сбн, прибавка пов. вяз.[7]
    Ряд 6-14: вп, сбн до конца ряда пов. вяз.
    Ряд 15: вп, убавка, 3 сбн, убавка пов. вяз.[5]
    Ряд 16: вп, убавка, сбн, убавка [3]
    Обвязать уши, чередуя сбн и сбн в одну петлю. [X]
    Пришить уши к голове. Вышить нос и рот черными нитками.
    Can u translate me this

    1. It will be something like :
      (2 pieces)
      work with violet yarn
      row 1: 6 ch, sc starting in the 2nd from the hook, 4 sc, turn (5)
      2-4: 1 ch, repeat sc to the end of the row, turn
      5: 1 ch+inc, 3 sc, inc, turn (7)
      6-14: ch, repeat sc to the end of the row, turn
      15: ch, dec,3 sc, dec, turn (5)
      16: ch, dec,sc, dec (3)

      work around the ear, repeat [1 sc, 1 inc]
      sew the ears to the head, embroider the mouth and nose with black yarn


  6. It will be something like :
    (2 pieces)
    work with violet yarn
    row 1: 6 ch, sc starting in the 2nd from the hook, 4 sc, turn (5)
    2-4: 1 ch, repeat sc to the end of the row, turn
    5: 1 ch+inc, 3 sc, inc, turn (7)
    6-14: ch, repeat sc to the end of the row, turn
    15: ch, dec,3 sc, dec, turn (5)
    16: ch, dec,sc, dec (3)

    work around the ear, repeat [1 sc, 1 inc]
    sew the ears to the head, embroider the mouth and nose with black yarn

  7. Can you please translate this for me? Thank you so much!
    9 ряд: вяжем за переднюю стенку восьмого ряда 42 сбн [42];
    вяжем за заднюю стенку восьмого ряда 42 сбн [42].
    10-11 ряды: без изменений [42].
    12 ряд: * 5 сбн, убавка*. Повторить * 6 раз [36].
    13 ряд: * 4 сбн, убавка*. Повторить * 6 раз [30].
    14 ряд: * 3 сбн, убавка*. Повторить * 6 раз [24].
    15 ряд: * 2 сбн, убавка*. Повторить * 6 раз [18].
    16 ряд: * 1 сбн, убавка*. Повторить * 6 раз [12]. Набить наполнителем.
    Закрепить и оставить нить для пришивания головы.

    1. It is:
      row 9: work in the front loops of the 8th row (or round) 42 sc [42], work in the back loops of the 8th row 42 sc [42]
      10-11: without changes (may be sc around) [42]
      12: *5 sc, 1 dec* repeat 6 times [36]
      13: *4 sc, 1 dec* rep 6 times [30]
      14: *3 sc, 1 dec* rep 6 times [24]
      15: *2 sc, 1 dec* rep 6 times [18]
      16: *1 sc, 1 dec* rep 6 times [12]
      Stuff with filler, fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing the head

  8. And what will this mean? пc2н

  9. What does this mean?
    "14-17 ряды: 48 ссн [48].
    Оставить нить для пришивания шапочки к голове. Пришить две веревочки из 30 вп."

    1. 14-17 rows: 48 dc [48]
      Leave a tail for sewing the cap to the head. Sew 2 chains of 30 loops

    2. Isn't dc = С1Н?
      Is CCH the same thing?

      what is CC2H and "1 с.п. в первую арку"?

    3. yes, С1Н = ССН = dc
      СС2Н = Treble crochet
      1 с.п. в первую арку = 1 slim stitch in the 1st arch (chains in the previous row)
      Welcome! Enjoy you work!

  10. Hi. I have a pattern with nc2 or Nc2... Are you able to identify this? TIA

    1. A russian "пс2н" is "half treble crochet" in US terms

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. could someone please help, i have translated the rest of this pattern, except the very start. "7 вп. со 2ой вп от крючка 5 сбн. 4 сбн
    в последнюю. 4сбн по обратной
    стороне. при6"

    1. Make chain of 7 loops, start in the 2nd st from the hook (work in round): 5 sc, 4 sc in the last st, make in opposite direction: 4 sc, 1 inc.
      Enjoy! ;-)))

    2. thank you so much, i did end up figuring it out, than realized that i was making a foot, and not a hand lol.

  13. Hi can you please translate this for me
    (1сбн, пр)*3, 2сбн, (1сбн, пр), 2сбн.
    5. 22сбн.

    1. of course:
      (1 sc, 1 inc) repeat 3 times, 2 sc, (1 sc, 1 inc), 2 sc (22)
      5. 22 sc


  14. can you help me please, one row is 6PRS,5ol,1PRS another says 1 SAT,Ave-5 times

  15. Can you see if some of this is right.I couldn't find the right translation for some of it.
    BK - Возшное кольчо = air ring
    П - петля = stitch
    Bп= воздушнаяпетля = chain
    пбH= полстобезнакида = slip stitch
    CбH = столбк без накида = single crocket
    пcH = попустолбик с накиида = half double
    CCH = столбик = double crochet
    пk = попкoрн = popcorn
    пpи6 = прибавка = increase
    yб = убавка = decrease
    CC =соедителый = join stitch
    ряда = Row
    рядoB= Row of
    пp = ?
    спед = ? translation has it a (is sleeping) don't think that what it means.
    Спедщ = ? speedy
    оставить = ? leave
    серым цветом набрать = Grey dial ?
    По = by
    по 6 п ипришить к гопове (34 ряд 8 промежутке 4п.) = 6 p and apply to gopov (34 row 8 span 4p.) ???????
    вторю п. от крючка = second stitch from hook

    [2 п.пp] 6X (18П) Can you translates this. I should be able to figure it out from here.
    Heres the pattern: It should be of a horse/zebra/unicorn if I copied the web page right.три-игрушки-по-одной-схеме-вязания/

    1. Hi! First I correct your translation of the terms:
      BK - magic ring
      П - петля = stitch or sc
      Bп= воздушная петля = chain
      пбH= полстобезнакида = slip stitch
      CбH = столбк без накида = single crocket
      пcH = полустолбик с накидом = half double crochet
      CCH = столбик = double crochet
      пk = попкoрн = popcorn
      пpи6 = прибавка = increase
      yб = убавка = decrease
      CC =соедителый = join stitch
      ряда = Row = rows
      рядoB= Row = rows
      пp = прибавка = increase
      спед = Спедующ = next or follow
      оставить = leave
      серым цветом набрать = pick up -- loops with grey yarn

    2. по 6 п ипришить к гопове (34 ряд 8 промежутке 4п.)
      it's about ear? flatten, join together opposite stitches with 6 sc, apply the ear to the 34 row of the head, leave 4 sts between the ears
      вторю п. от крючка = second stitch from hook - it's correct!
      [2 п.пp] 6X (18П) = [2 sc, 1 inc] repeat 6 times (18 altogether)

      I sympathize with you, this author use a very incomprehensible pattern recording system. Even I need to strain to figure it out.

    3. Thank you, I think I can figure it out. I am a beginner and I always challenge my self. I will be shocked if it comes out looking like a horse. Is there and difference between П - петля = stitch or sc and the CбH = столбк без накида = single crochet.just wondering because they have it different in places on pattern. They write both ways. Once I get the pattern translate to English I am going to attempt it. I might throw it a cross the room a few times but I'll see. I have until Christmas.

    4. I translate the russian word "петля" as "a loop" in my patterns. This is the most accurate definition. This author (probably) believes that sc is the main type of crochet loops, so she writes in this wrong way. Russian speakers usually guess right )))

    5. so is the "loop" a different stitch for a single crochet stitch?

    6. I think yes. For example, in my opinion, sc consists of two loops: vertical (first yarnover) and horizontal (second yarnover).

  16. Thank you so much for doing this for me. I spent most of my day trying to translate. You a the best.

    1. :))))) thanks
      I am glad to help you, the Russian language is generally very difficult. Handle when you need, do not hesitate.

  17. Help me please
    1. 6 вп, во вторую от крючка петлю провязать 2 сбн, 3 сбн, 3сбн в крайнюю петлю, 4 сбн в
    оставшиеся 4 петли (12)
    2. (2 пр, 4 сбн)*2 раза (16)
    3. 16 сбн
    4. 2 сбн, уб, 3сбн, 2уб, сс (получается мы провязываем половинку нашего овала, это нижняя
    1. 7вп, начиная со второй от крючка
    петли провязываем 6 сбн
    2. Переворачиваем вязание наизнанку,
    делаем вп подъема и вяжем 6 сбн (6)
    3. Снова переворачиваем, вп, уб, 2сбн,
    уб (4)
    4. Переворачиваем, вп, 4сбн
    5. Переворачиваем, вп, уб, 2 сбн (3)
    6. Переворачиваем, вп, уб, сбн (2)
    7. Переворачиваем, вп, уб (1)
    8. Переворачиваем, вп и теперь
    обвязываем одну сторону нашего
    треугольника до угла.
    Пришиваем ушко за ту часть, которую мы
    Вышиваем носик, пришиваем мордашку, глазки. Оформляем моську и пришиваем ушки.
    Передние лапки пришиваем с помощью нитяного крепления. Нижние фиксируем в положении
    сидя. Остатки нитей выводим в место, где должен быть хвостик: провязываем 6 вп, затем сбн,
    пссн, 2 ссн, сбн. Нить прячем внутри тельца. Щеночек готов!

    1. Мордочка - Muzzle
      1. 6 ch, start in the 2nd from the hook: 1 inc, 3 sc, 3 sc in the last, 4 sc in the rest 4 sts (12)
      2. (2 inc, 4 sc) repeat 2 times (16)
      3. 16 sc
      4. 2 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 2 dec, 1 slip st - work on the lower part of the muzzle

    2. Please:
      1. 7вп, со второй îò начиная крючка
      петли провязываем 6 сбн
      2. Переворачиваем вязание наизнанку,
      делаем вп подъема и вяжем 6 сбн (6)
      3. Снова переворачиваем, вп, уб, 2сбн,
      уб (4)
      4. Переворачиваем, вп, 4сбн
      5. Переворачиваем, вп, уб, 2 сбн (3)
      6. Переворачиваем, вп, уб, сбн (2)
      7. Переворачиваем, в, уб (1)
      8. Переворачиваем, вп и теперь
      обвязываем одну сторону нашего
      треугольника до угла.
      Пришиваем ушко за ту часть, которую мы
      Вышиваем носик, пришиваем мордашку, глазки. Оформляем моську и пришиваем ушки.
      Передние лапки пришиваем с помощью нитяного крепления. Нижние фиксируем в положении
      сидя. Остатки нитей выводим в место, где должен быть хвостик: провязываем 6 вп, затем сбн,
      пссн, 2 ссн, сбн. Нить прячем внутри тельца. Еночек готов!

    3. Ушки - Ears
      1. 7 ch, start in 2nd from the hook: 6 sc
      2. turn+1 ch, 6 sc
      3. turn+1ch, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec (4)
      4. turn+1 ch, 4 sc
      5. turn+1ch, 1 dec, 2 sc (3)
      6. turn+1ch, 1 dec, 1 sc (2)
      7. turn+1ch, 1 dec (1)
      8. turn, 1 ch, crochet this edge of ear to the corner, cut the yarn, this side is sewn to the head
      Embroider the nose, sew on the muzzle, eyes, ears.
      Sew the front paws with needle, sew the back paws in seated pose

      In the end, something about making the tail, but I did not understand. I think you will make it yourself))) Enjoy!

  18. Hello, really stuck on a pattern, I think it is in Russian and already been 'translated' but I can't work out some of the abbreviations used. I'm stuck on PRS, UB3SBN, VP, 17 PRS. I know that PRS is sc and UB is decrease...

  19. Hello, first of all thank you for your small translating dictionary, it is very helpful.
    Could you help me translating these pattern in russian, please?

    Ноги (2 детали)
    1.6 сбн в кольцо амигуруми
    2.(прибавка) х 6 (12 сбн)
    3.(1 сбн, приб) х 6 (18 сбн)
    4.(приб, 8 сбн) х 2 (20 сбн)
    5-13. 20 сбн (вторую ногу вязать аналогично, соединить с первой, всего 40 сбн)

    Начинаем тело
    14. 40 сбн
    15. 12 сбн, уб, 15 сбн, уб, 9 сбн (38 сбн)
    16. 11 сбн, уб, 15 сбн, уб, 8 сбн (36 сбн)
    17. 8 сбн, уб, 15 сбн, уб, 9 сбн (34 сбн)
    18. 8 сбн, уб, 14 сбн, уб, 7 сбн (32 сбн)
    19. 8 сбн, уб, 13 сбн, уб, 7 сбн, (30 сбн)
    20. 8 сбн, уб, 13 сбн, уб, 5 сбн (28 сбн)
    21. 7 сбн, уб, 11 сбн, уб, 6 сбн (26 сбн)
    22. 7 сбн, уб, 10 сбн, уб, 5 сбн (24 сбн)
    23. 6 сбн, уб, 9 сбн, уб, 5 сбн (22 сбн)
    24. 6 сбн, уб, 8 сбн, уб, 4 сбн (20 сбн)
    25. 5 сбн, уб, 7 сбн, уб, 4 сбн (18 сбн)

    Начинаем голову
    26. (2 сбн, приб) х 6 (24 сбн)
    27. (3 сбн, приб) х 6 (30 сбн)
    28. (4 сбн, приб) х 6 (36 сбн)
    29. (5 сбн, приб) х 6 (42 сбн)
    30. (6 сбн, приб) х 6 (48 сбн)
    31. (7 сбн, приб) х 6 (54 сбн)
    32. (8 сбн, приб) х 6 (60 сбн)
    33. (9 сбн, приб) х 6 (66 сбн)
    34 – 44. 66 сбн
    45. (9 сбн, уб) х 6 (60 сбн)
    46. (8 сбн, уб) х 6 (54 сбн)
    47. (7 сбн, уб) х 6 (48 сбн)
    48. (6 сбн, уб) х 6 (42 сбн)
    49. (5 сбн, уб) х 6 (36 сбн)
    50. (4 сбн, уб) х 6 (30 сбн)
    51. (3 сбн, уб) х 6 (24 сбн)
    52. (2 сбн, уб) х 6 (18 сбн)
    53.(1 сбн, уб) х 6 (12 сбн)
    54.(уб) х 6 (6 сбн)

    Стянуть отверстие, закрепить и обрезать нить.

    Руки (2 детали)
    1.6 сбн в кольцо
    2.Приб х 6 (12)
    3.(1 сбн, приб) х 6 (18)
    4-7. 18 сбн
    8. (1 сбн, уб) х 6 (12)
    9-14. 12 сб
    15. (уб) х 6 (6 сбн)

    1. legs (make2)
      1.6 sc in magic ring
      2.(inc) х 6 (12 sс)
      3.(1 sс, inc) х 6 (18 sc)
      4.(inc, 8 sc) х 2 (20 sc)
      5-13. 20 sc (make the 2nd leg, join together, 40 sc altogether)

    2. Body
      14. 40 сбн = 40 sc
      15. 12 сбн-= sc, уб=1dec, 15 сбн=sc, уб=1dec, 9 сбн=sc (38 сбн=sc)
      16. 11 сбн, уб, 15 сбн, уб, 8 сбн (36 сбн)
      17. 8 сбн, уб, 15 сбн, уб, 9 сбн (34 сбн)
      18. 8 сбн, уб, 14 сбн, уб, 7 сбн (32 сбн)
      19. 8 сбн, уб, 13 сбн, уб, 7 сбн, (30 сбн)
      20. 8 сбн, уб, 13 сбн, уб, 5 сбн (28 сбн)
      21. 7 сбн, уб, 11 сбн, уб, 6 сбн (26 сбн)
      22. 7 сбн, уб, 10 сбн, уб, 5 сбн (24 сбн)
      23. 6 сбн, уб, 9 сбн, уб, 5 сбн (22 сбн)
      24. 6 сбн, уб, 8 сбн, уб, 4 сбн (20 сбн)
      25. 5 сбн, уб, 7 сбн, уб, 4 сбн (18 сбн)

    3. Стянуть отверстие, закрепить и обрезать нить.
      Close the hole, fasten and cut off

      Руки (2 детали) Hand (make 2)
      1.6 сбн в кольцо = 6 sc in magic ring
      2.Приб х 6 (12) = inc x 6 (12)
      3.(1 сбн=sc, приб=1inc) х 6 (18)
      4-7. 18 сбн =sc
      8. (1 сбн=1 sc, уб=1dec) х 6 (12)
      9-14. 12 сб = 12 sc
      15. (уб) х 6 (6 сбн) dec x 6


  20. Head
    26. (2 сбн=2sc, приб=1inc) х 6 (24 сбн=sc)
    27. (3 сбн, приб) х 6 (30 сбн)
    28. (4 сбн, приб) х 6 (36 сбн)
    29. (5 сбн, приб) х 6 (42 сбн)
    30. (6 сбн, приб) х 6 (48 сбн)
    31. (7 сбн, приб) х 6 (54 сбн)
    32. (8 сбн, приб) х 6 (60 сбн)
    33. (9 сбн, приб) х 6 (66 сбн)
    34 – 44. 66 сбн = 66 sc
    45. (9 сбн=sc, уб=1dec) х 6 (60 сбн)
    46. (8 сбн, уб) х 6 (54 сбн)
    47. (7 сбн, уб) х 6 (48 сбн)
    48. (6 сбн, уб) х 6 (42 сбн)
    49. (5 сбн, уб) х 6 (36 сбн)
    50. (4 сбн, уб) х 6 (30 сбн)
    51. (3 сбн, уб) х 6 (24 сбн)
    52. (2 сбн, уб) х 6 (18 сбн)
    53.(1 сбн, уб) х 6 (12 сбн)
    54.(уб=1dec) х 6 (6 сбн)

  21. can you help?

    Крылья (2шт)
    Вяжем акриловой пряжей черного цвета.
    1р. 6в.п,
    во 2
    ю петлю от крючка 5сбн, в.п, поворот
    1сбн, пр, 1сбн, пр, 1сбн, в.п, поворот
    3р. 1сбн, пр, 3сбн, пр, 1сбн, в.п, поворот
    4р. 9сбн, в.п, поворот
    5р. 8сбн, в.п, поворот
    6р. 8сбн, в.п, поворот
    7р. 7сбн, в.п, поворот
    8р. 5сбн, уб, в.п, поворот
    9р. 5сбн, в.п, поворот
    10р. 3сбн, уб, в.п, поворот
    11р. 3сбн, в.п, поворот
    12р. 1сбн, уб, в.п, поворот
    13р. 1сбн.
    нить для пришивания.
    С помощью булавки намечаем
    где будут крылья и

    1. Wings, make 2
      Make with black acrylic yarn
      Row 1: 6ch, starn in the2th stitch from the hook: 5sc, 1ch+turn
      Row 2: 1 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc, 1ch+turn
      3: 1 sc, 1 inc, 3 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc, 1ch+turn
      4: 9 sc, 1ch+turn
      5: 8 sc, 1ch+turn
      6: 8 sc, 1ch+turn
      7: 7 sc, 1ch+turn
      8: 5 sc, 1 dec, 1ch+turn
      9: 5 sc, 1ch+turn
      10: 3 sc, 1 dec, 1ch+turn
      11: 3 sc, 1ch+turn
      12: 1 sc, 1 dec,1ch+turn
      13: 1 sc
      Leave a long yarn tail for sewing
      Attach the Wings using pins, sew them

      Good luck!

  22. Thank you so much for doing this! I have translated 5 pages but have two similar passages I cannot figure out.
    Провязать 1 сбн длг смещения, вязать далее
    провязать 1 сбн длг смещения, далее вязать
    Then both go on with the pattern. However the stitch count does not include this 1 single crochet mentioned in these passages.
    Thank you so much.

    1. Hi, I understand what the problem is. This phrase means: crochet 1 sc to shift the beginning of the row to the left.

  23. Hi - I found a wonderful pattern that someone attempted to translate into English (bless them), however the translation is a bit muddled. Will you please help? I believe I can figure it out with your help. Here is part of the pattern:
    1r. 2vp, second loop from Hook 6 prs
    Say 6 additions
    3p. (1sbn, Arr) × 6
    4rs (2sbn, Arr) × 6
    5p (3sbn, Arr) × 6
    6r.-9r. 30sbn
    10r. (3sbn, Ub) × 6
    11r. (2sbn, Ub) × 6
    12p. (4sbn, Ub) × 3

    1r. 2 vp, second loop from Hook 6SBN
    2p. 6pribavok

    1. hi! i think the google worked here ;-)
      seems it means:
      1. 2 ch, start in the 2nd st: 6 sc
      2. 6 inc
      3. (1 sc, 1 inc)x6
      4. (2 sc, 1 inc)x6
      5. (3 sc, 1 inc)x6
      6-9. 30 sc
      10. (3 sc, 1 dec)x6
      11. (2 sc, 1 dec)x6
      12. (4 sc, 1 dec)x3

      1. 2 ch, 6 sc in the 2nd st
      2. 6 inc

      That is all! Enjoy!

  24. hi! i think the google worked here ;-)
    seems it means:
    1. 2 ch, start in the 2nd st: 6 sc
    2. 6 inc
    3. (1 sc, 1 inc)x6
    4. (2 sc, 1 inc)x6
    5. (3 sc, 1 inc)x6
    6-9. 30 sc
    10. (3 sc, 1 dec)x6
    11. (2 sc, 1 dec)x6
    12. (4 sc, 1 dec)x3

    1. 2 ch, 6 sc in the 2nd st
    2. 6 inc

    That is all! Enjoy!

  25. Thanks very much! That helps! I tried googling it, but somehow I didn't get the results you did. I will try working it now. I appreciate your help.

  26. You are so very helpful! I have found a pattern and I am trying to translate myself, however if you could look at this and also translate I can check that I am correct.

    KA - amigurumi ring vn - air loop sb - column without crochet prib - increase
    уб - reduction

    6 single crochet in SC
    1 p. 6 arr = 12 sbn
    2 r. (1 sb, prib) * 6 times = 18 sbn
    3 r. (2 sb, prib) * 6 times = 24 sbn
    4 r. (3 sb, prib) * 6 times = 30 sb
    5 r. behind the back wall 30 sb 6-7 r. 30 single crochet
    8 r. (уб, 13 single crochet) * 2 times = 28 single crochet 9-10 р. 28 sb
    11 r. (уб, 12 single crochet) * 2 times = 26 single crochet 12-13 р. 26 sbn
    14 r. (уб, 11 single crochet) * 2 times = 24 single crochet 15-16 р. 24 single crochet
    17 r. (уб, 10 single crochet) * 2 times = 22 single crochet 18-19 р. 22 sbn
    20 r. (уб, 9 single crochet) * 2 times = 20 single crochet 21-22 р. 20 single crochet
    23 r. (уб, 8 single crochet) * 2 times = 18 single crochet 24-25 р. 18 single crochet
    26 r. (уб, 7 single crochet) * 2 times = 16 single crochet 27-30 р. 16 single crochet
    31 r. (уб, 6 single crochet) * 2 times = 14 single crochet 32-35 р. 14 single crochet
    36 r. (уб, 5 single crochet) * 2 times

    Thank you so much for your time!!! I really appreciate it!!

  27. Good day Ella i hope you are well. I do not know if you are the designer of the adorable cricket pattern? I try to translate it to US Terminology but boy it is not easy. Do you maybe have the pattern in English? If not can i please mail you the pattern that i figured out to check if it is correct? It would be much appreciated if you can mail me your e-mail address to: Thank you kindly.


  28. Hello I'm happy to come across your blog, I think what you have dont takes alot of work and patience. You are very kind to answer messages and take the time to translate what people are asking for. My other reason for writing this message is when I try to translate English to Russian so I can recognize the words, they dont match what you have as your translation. I know amigurumi terms and I can basically figure out what the meanings an abbreviations are. But when it comes to sentences or details that's where I am confused. It there more than 1 Russian dialect.

    1. The problem is that Russian crocheters use a lot of different words and even terms to describe the process of work. In general, the Russian language has a complex structure. Here you can set the words in the sentence in any order. That is why it is very difficult to translate from Russian into English using Google Translator.
      But if you have a specific question on the translation (including my version), I will be happy to explain. Have a nice day!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hello Ella! Thank you for your sharing!
    I'm stuck in a pattern, but I only have the text in image... Can I send it to you? Maybe you could help me... Thank you!

    1. yes, of course. i will be happy to help you.

  31. This really helped me with a pattern that I'm working with and thanks for your good work and patience. There's one part that I'm stuck with. Could you please help me?

    Вяжем поворотными рядами.
    1. 11 в.п. + 1 п.п
    2. 11 сбн (11)
    3. Пр, 9 сбн, пр (13)
    4. 13 сбн (13)
    5. Пр, 11 сбн, пр (15)
    6. 15 сбн (15)
    7. Пр, 13 сбн, пр (17)
    8. 17 сбн (17)
    9. Пр, 15 сбн, пр (19)
    10. 19 сбн (19)
    11. Пр, 17 сбн, пр (21)
    12. -18. 7 рядов без изменения
    19.Уб, 17 сбн, уб (19)
    20. Уб, 15 сбн, уб (17)
    21. Уб, 13 сбн, уб (15)
    22. Уб, 11 сбн, уб (13)
    23. Уб х2, 5 сбн, уб х2 (9)

    1. Вяжем поворотными рядами. - work in back-and-forth rows
      1. 12 ch
      2. start in 2nd from the hook: 11 sc (11)
      3. 1 increase, 9 sc, 1 increase(13)
      4. 13 sc (13)
      5. 1 inc, 11 sc, 1 inc (15)
      6. 15 sc (15)
      7. 1 inc, 13 sc, 1 inc (17)
      8. 17 sc (17)
      9. 1 inc, 15 sc, 1 inc (19)
      10. 19 sc (19)
      11. 1 inc, 17 sc, 1 inc (21)
      12. -18. (7 rows) 21 sc
      19. 1 decrease, 17 sc, 1 dec (19)
      20. 1 dec, 15 sc, 1 dec (17)
      21. 1 dec, 13 sc, 1 dec (15)
      22. 1 dec, 11 sc, 1 dec (13)
      23. 2 dec, 5 sc, 2 dec (9)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I have searched and searched for the uk translation for the following crochet stitches but have no idea what language so cant find anything.

    The stitches are

    p1 40 + 8vp (uk chain?)
    in 9 from hook loop 40 sbn turn - 40 sbn
    p2 1 ce *2 sbn pr*
    p3 1 ce 6 ubn 10 ce (skip 10 loops)
    21 ubn 10 ce

    i would be so greatful for any help!

    1. i don't have an idea. But it's not Russian. Can you give me the link to this page?

  34. Hello Ella, I'm from Brazil

    I am translating a amigurumi pattern for my wife and would like to know what "пп" means in the sentence below:

    "Вяжем с пп каждый ряд"

    "ст" in the sentence:

    "чтобы получить в итоге 17 ст."

    Could you translate this sentence please:

    "Далее вяжем петельки для пояса:"

    ...and to finish:

    "ЗПСП - за переднюю стенку петли" means FLO?

    "ЗЗСП - за заднюю стенку петли" means BLO?

    Thank you very much. Congratulations on the blog and your willingness to help us.

    1. 1 "ст" in the sentence:

      "чтобы получить в итоге 17 ст." - it means 'stitches'. You need to get 17 stitches as result

      2 "Далее вяжем петельки для пояса:" - then crochet loops for the belt. I believe that here we are talking about a belt consisting of chains

      3 Yes, you are right! ЗПСП - FLO , ЗЗСП - BLO

      4 "Вяжем с пп каждый ряд" - but about this I don’t even have an idea. Could you send me a bigger piece of the pattern? Then I might guess by the context.

      Good luck!

  35. Thanks Ella

    Here's a bigger part of the pattern, as you requested:

    1. Вяжем с пп каждый ряд, 10 сбн по пройме.
    2. (4 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 12 сбн
    3. (5 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 14 сбн
    4. (6 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 16 сбн
    5. (7 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 18 сбн
    6. (8 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 20 сбн
    7. (9 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 22 сбн
    8. (10 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза= 24 сбн
    9. (11 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 26 сбн
    10. (12 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 28 сбн
    11. (13 сбн, 1 приб) * 2 раза = 30 сбн

    My translation:

    1. Knit with " ?? " each row, 10 sc on the armhole
    2. (4 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 12 sc
    3. (5 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 14 sc
    4. (6 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 16 sc
    5. (7 sc, 1 inc * 2 times = 18 sc
    6. (8 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 20 sc
    7. (9 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 22 sc
    8. (10 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 24 sc
    9. (11 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 26 sc
    10. (12 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 28 sc
    11. (13 sc, 1 inc) * 2 times = 30 sc

    What does "пп" mean? That is the question.

  36. Hi ella,
    I am really really greatful for your wonderful russian to english dictionary I have used it to translate this amazing pattern. But I am quiet less confident in my translation work. If I sent you the page link, would you be able to translate it for me as soon as you get time please... 🙂

    I have already sent you a mail as I comment here too, eagerly waiting for your reply and OMG I am so excited!!!!

  37. You are awesome!!!! Thank you SO much for your time and help. I have found so many patterns for beautiful items but they're in Russian. This is SO kind of you!!

  38. I have just bought a beautiful pattern in Russian,if i send it to you can you translate it in to English for me please
